The cross-breeding of Sativa and Indica, Cannabis Americana

Botanists differ on whether the sativas, the CBD-bearing varieties of cannabis, evolved naturally or through centuries of careful human intervention. Our modern ability to read the genetic code of botanical samples has advanced the natural breeding theory. The genetic evidence indicates that the sativa varieties evolved in small, isolated populations that survived the ice ages and not through human intervention. …


THC varieties were first introduced to America when the shipping trade brought hashish from the Orient. The utility of what was assumed to be a new species was quickly recognized and termed Cannabis indica by French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in 1785. 


Herbal cannabis was used in many early medicine recipes, often as a filler. Cannabis was used for making tinctures and infusions. Cannabis was used internally for menstrual pains, headaches, arthritis, and as a sleep aid. Externally it was used in corn cures, liniments, balms, salves and poultices. Hemp was prized for its deep green color for dyes. It was considered …

Hemp Seed Oil

Glass production technology progressed quickly in the 1800s. Coal-fired furnaces and improved metallurgy made possible line production of 5 gallon carboys like this. Notice the taper in this bottle. This is indicative of the use of a one-piece mold. The glass was blown into a tapered cylinder that would define its shape. As the glass cooled, the taper allowed the …

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seed has been in continuous use for tens of thousands of years. It was prized as a human food and medicine as well as an excellent feed for farm stock. It proved to be a protein, oil and mineral-rich food source. Hemp seeds were also used medicinally for a range of prescriptions, laxatives, corn plasters and dyes. The hemp …

Cannabis in Early America

This instruction follows a timeline that begins with cannabis use in early American history. The timeline traces changes in cannabis dispensing in parallel with the technical progress revolutionizing the drug industry. Much of this knowledge and all of these images are based on the unique collection of the Cannabis Museum in Athens, Ohio. These are all authenticated, historical artifacts and …


Medical Cannabis in 19th and early 20th Century America. As the use of cannabis as a treatment rises within the United States, it is important for medical professionals to have a foundational understanding of the history of cannabis, access to research around cannabis as a medical treatment, knowledge about the differences between the two main psychoactive cannabinoids within cannabis –Cannabidiol …

Cannabis Becomes a Standardized Medicine

The U.S. Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 imposed regulations requiring labeling of the contents in drug products. The Sherley Act of 1912 prohibited labeling of medicines with false therapeutic claims intended to defraud the purchaser. Health claims and use of the word “cure” became prohibited. The prescription and dispensing of medicines were being forced into the modern age. …